Building a story you can successfully self-publish
The story begins with your friends, family, and devoted readers - it's what resides in their heart, that you have to coax out, which will tell you the steps you need to take in order to succeed...Writing and self-publishing a story isn't for the faint of heart, it has as much to do with persistence as it has to do with know-how and talent. In these days of plentiful Internet access, social media, and start-up's, being able to craft and then professionally publish is a skillset to acquire.
And getting the story from the nether regions of your mind onto the nether regtions of ebook nirvana - Is more and more looking to be asking your readers what they want to begin with.
Some of this came from a reference to an "Agile Publishing Model" where the subscribers (free) actually comment on each chapter of a book being written:

great benefit of stepping outside your own world - which for me is the
world of general trade publishing - is that you can get a jolt...
The Shift Age and Shift Age Publishing |
is The Shift Age? The Shift Age is the age we now live in. While we
commonly refer to today as the Information Age, the truth is tha...
Another point is the author's basic fears over-riding their common sense. This is, after all, what Napoleon Hill wrote "Think and Grow Rich" to combat - one (main) reason that the Great Depression kept going on and on was that people were listening to their fears more than they were creatively solving problems.

you've watched other bloggers launch their ebooks, and you want to do
the same - but something's holding you back. You probably alr...
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill (eBook) online at Lulu. Visit the
Lulu Marketplace for product details, ratings, and reviews.
It's not just the writing, however. A lot of the savvy which goes into self publishing success is in how to market. This of course means finding and interacting with your community of readers. Again, we come full circle into asking our readers what they want out of a book:
Trial by Fire: a Beginner's Attempt at a Product Launch : @ProBlogger
most bloggers who share their experience on ProBlogger, I haven't quite
seen the fruits of my labor turn ripe-yet. I only launched...

Multi-Channel: Ensure your ebook is available across as many retail
channels as possible, including Amazon's Kindle Store, Barnes and ...

media is considered a powerful marketing tool across a wide range of
industries. For authors, especially those who self-publish or...
I'll leave you with this for now. There's a bit about how to build your list to keep in touch with your community of readers, but it will need to wait for a later time...
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